Christmas Roasts

Our Sunday Roasts are taking on a Festive Flare  through December!!!!!!! Dates are: 1st, 8th and 15th December  Enjoys Brilliant Beef, Tasty Turkey or Homely Honey Roast Ham (Why not all 3?) with Yuletide accompaniments and finish is  a homemade Mini Mince Pie and we have crackers on the table to start your roast of...

Golant Christmas Fayre

The Magic of Christmas  comes to Golant on Saturday 7th December with the Golant  Christmas Fayre. Fantastic Market  Stalls, Delicious Festive Foods, Magical Boat lights, Kitch 'n'Sync Accapella Singers at intervals throughout the day and The Big Man Himself - FATHER CHRISTMAS from 2:30pm-4:30pm Its due  to be a great day so come  on down...

12 Days of Christmas

Every year we like to spread a little Christmas Cheer with our 12 Days of Christmas. From 12th December -  23rd  December you can enjoy a fantastic array of Christmas Deals, Events and Promotions. There is a  different thing everyday so you can choose which you fancy or come for them all Check out the...

Christmas Eve Singalong

Christmas Eve is a time for gathering together, get a warm drink and belt your favourite Christmas songs out at the top of your lungs. Well we have the perfect  event for that. Our Christmas Eve Singalong is the place to be. Starting at 8:30pm we sing a selection of the best and most popular...

New Year’s Eve Double Bash

We have 2 Fantastic Events on 1 evening Well it is one evening that spans 2 years after all. First Off we have the early New Year's Eve Dinner . (See Menu in Link - New Year's Eve Menu 2024) If your not too interested in seeing in Midnight,  like to do so in you...